Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Markdown

Workshop TA09 auf der tekom Jahrestagung 2017


Die Bereitstellung von Nutzungsinformation muss automatisiert werden, damit diese kontextabhängig und individualisiert geschehen kann und sich in Konzepte wie Industrie 4.0 oder Internet of Things integriert. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen fehlte es bislang an einem branchenübergreifend akzeptierten Standard. Diese Lücke will die tekom-Arbeitsgruppe “Information 4.0” aus namhaften Vertretern von CMS, Industrieanwendern, Beratern und Wissenschaftlern mit dem tekom-iiRDS (Intelligent Information Request and Delivery Standard) schließen.


Im Rahmen der Tagung wird die tekom nun ausführlich in Vorträgen, Tutorials und Showcases zu diesem Thema informieren.

Folgende Vorträge sind im Programm:

Mittwoch, 25. Oktober, 8:45 - 18:00 Uhr iiRDS – Introduction and Status Ralf Robers

Early last year tekom started its working group “Information 4.0” to elaborate concepts and standards for technical communication in the context of “Internet of things” or “Industry 4.0”. The key working result has been the creation of the open source standard “iiRDS”. In this talk the audience will first get a short introduction about purpose, concept and potential benefits of iiRDS. This overview is followed by a brief status report of the current rollout implementation and how the entire technical communication community may contibrute to it. iiRDS for Technical Writers – Introduction to the Metadata Ulrike Parson Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ziegler Dynamic content delivery has recently drawn much attention. There is a variety of use cases connected to topic-based information architectures. Addressing technical writers and information managers, we will discuss highly relevant applications of content delivery and the upcoming iiRDS metadata standard. Starting with metadata concepts for structured authoring and content management, we will show how to extend these concepts by adding contextual, linked content with iiRDS. Jürgen Sapara of tecteam GmbH will join Ms. Parson and Mr. Ziegler as a speaker. iiRDS Inside Out – Applying the Standard Mark Schubert Achim Steinacker Intelligent content requires smart metadata. The new tekom standard iiRDS adds the smart part to your content and defines a format for exchange packages. Addressing technical writers and information architects, we will have a detailed look at an iiRDS package and its metadata representation in RDF/XML. A real-world use case will illustrate the extensibility of iiRDS packages with client-specific information. Sebastian Göttel of Schema will join as a speaker. Prototype Implementations of iiRDS (Showcase) Prof. Dr. Michael Schaffner The open source standard “iiRDS” (intelligent information Request and Delivery Standard) is shown in prototypical applications. Employees of well-known companies, who participated in the tekom workgroup Information 4.0, present “live and in color” on the stage examples of how the service standard works. The showcases show applications from the following companies e.g.: parson, Empolis, practice innovation, ICMS, Schema, doctima, Noxum, Intelligent Views. Quelle: Tagungsprogramm

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